“And the time came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” Anais Nin
Are you often feeling so SAD or DOWN that you NEVER really feel quite “GOOD ENOUGH”? Is there not enough joy in your life? Might you be feeling DEPRESSED?
Does your WORRY or FEAR seem all-consuming at times? Do your dreams ever seem out of reach because you fear that you may fail? Are you struggling with ANXIETY(video)?
Is LOSS creating a sense of HEAVINESS, BURDEN, DEEP SADNESS, or DESPAIR, whether it be loss of a loved one, loss of hope, or loss of a dream or opportunity?

Through counseling, I can help you:
With the help of INDIVIDUAL PSYCHOTHERAPY(video), I can also help you IDENTIFY, GRIEVE, and WORK THROUGH the areas of LOSS in your life and arrive on the other side with a RENEWED sense of HOPE, SERENITY, INVESTMENT in, and VITALITY for LIFE.
*In Living Like You Mean It, by Ronald J. Frederick, Ph.D., RESOURCES

In addition to 25 YEARS of Counseling EXPERIENCE, I also have advanced training in an approach to psychotherapy called Accelerated Experiential-Dynamic Psychotherapy, AEDP. This model suggests that emotions become overwhelming when it feels like we’re left alone to deal with them. In MY APPROACH(video) to therapy, I strive to really be there with you emotionally as we explore, clarify, and work through uncomfortable, difficult and/or painful feelings associated with depression, anxiety, and loss, in order to achieve lasting change.