“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” T.S. Eliot

“In appreciation of Karen Kern (Hampton) for 9 years of exceptional dedication in providing quality care for clients and support and inspiration to colleagues.”
– Plaque given to Karen upon her departure from DayGlo Family Treatment Program
If I look like someone with whom you’d be interested in working, please feel free to give me a call (512) 339-1694, text, or email me to set up a counseling appointment or to ask any questions that you may have. I’d be happy to talk to you.
“Strives for excellence in her work…warm and engaging… conscientious about the clinical…aspects of her relationships with her clients.”
– Joanne Olsen, LCSW previous Clinical Consultant

“Karen is able to establish strong working alliances… Karen’s expertise in treating victims of sexual abuse trauma is evident in the depth of her knowledge in this area, her sensitivity to the issues involved, and her skill in working with these clients. Karen has shown consistent dedication to her growth and development as a psychotherapist. Her commitment and standards of excellence are demonstrated bin numerous ways… She believes in what she does and derives a great deal of satisfaction from it… I have found Karen to be warm, sincere, sensitive, and friendly. She is well-liked and respected by her peers. She has a good sense of humor an enjoys people. Karen is thoughtful and purposeful in her approach to therapy, having built a strong theoretical base from which to work… Her abiding respect for the dignity of others is evident in her interactions with them… She has been and will continue to be an asset to the clients with whom she serves.
– Previous Clinical Consultant of 4 years duration